An online cigarette seller has been designed to make it as easy as possible to buy electronic cigarettes online. Its structure, navigation, content, everything has been implemented so that customers can easily find the information they are looking for on rechargeable electronic cigarette kits, e liquids with or without nicotine, accessories (cigarette refills, atomizers removable or not, batteries eGo T Upgrade or not) to guide them in the best way in the purchase of the best electronic cigarette.
An online cigarette seller wants to help its customers and all beginners or novices vaporizers to understand and know the growing market for e cigarette, and especially, to answer their questions about the dangers of the electronic cigarette, the impact of e cigarette on health, legislative developments whether national or decided by the European Parliament.
Buying your first electronic cigarette is not so obvious when you are a novice or beginner vaporizer. How to choose your e cigarette? What is a rechargeable electronic cigarette? Should I buy a Joyetech electronic cigarette, an e-cig Kangertech or a kit of electronic cigarettes eGo T Vision? What are the differences between a Joyetech eRoll, an eVod from Kangertech, or a kit eGo T Stardust Vision, the stars of the best e-cigarette brands on the market? What is the price of an electronic cigarette? What tastes of e liquid to choose? Should I take e liquids without nicotine or with nicotine? Should I start with e-liquids with nicotine, then switch to e-liquids without nicotine? What flavors of e-fluid to choose? e-fluid menthol flavor, tobacco, red fruits?
These questions are always asked when you want to switch to the electronic cigarette and at the time of purchase of his 1st electronic cigarette. The concern is that a seller, by definition, is there to sell, sell according to guidelines or stocks to sell. An online cigarette seller prefers to give information and advice in the purchase of the best e cigarette based on the consumption habits of its customers. That is why he creates a tool to help in the choice of electronic and liquid e cigarettes. To answer the question “which electronic cigarette to choose”, it has modelled tobacco consumption habits to guide its customers in their choice of e cigarette but also e liquid.
He has obviously convinced by the goods made of the electronic cigarette, although he remains very attentive to studies on the potential health impacts of the electronic cigarette.
The quality of its e cigarette kits refillable, atomizers and e-liquids above all! It is essential for e-smokers to offer quality packs of electronic cigarettes.
From smoke to vaporization, the transition to the electronic cigarette is not so obvious. You must choose your e-cigarette, its atomizers, its e liquids, and especially know how to switch to vaporization? From the reduction of tobacco consumption to all e-cig, what is the best alternative to stop smoking?
Today’s fashion phenomenon is such that the unique popularity of the product may encourage to buy his 1st e-cigarette. But whether to show his belonging, a conviction or a real willingness to stop smoking, the steamer must ultimately learn to manage its own consumption of this new product, and this, whether the purchase is made in stores or on good websites that really advise their customers.
Should you first reduce your tobacco consumption and compensate with your e-cigarette? Or on the contrary, should you stop smoking completely and quickly to only vaporize? We conducted a small survey of vaporizers to find out the most effective practices. It emerges that the faster the transition to the all electronic cigarette is fast, around 5 – 7 days the time to finish his good old packs of cigarettes “traditional” and especially to prepare psychologically for a total cessation of smoking, and the lower the risk of relapse. The transition to the electronic cigarette must therefore be accompanied by psychological work, even light, to get in condition to stop smoking.
If the qualities of electronic cigarettes are systematically highlighted, including the ability to manage his addiction to nicotine and the return of steam produced, habits are the main causes of failure to stop smoking. This is what Muriel confirmed to us during our survey: “I was delighted when I received my eRoll electronic cigarette from Joyetech just before Christmas. This e-cigarette is really very aesthetic and feminine. Discreet and fine I took it out all the more easily as it did not leave friends and colleagues indifferent …. I very quickly reduced my consumption to a few cigarettes from time to time. But the habits are tenacious and as I continued to smoke in parallel, I gradually picked up my rhythm to only occasionally take out my eRoll. It’s a pity, especially as I immediately found the liquids that suit me, Altlanta, FR4 and Red Fruits in 16, then 11 mg of nicotine. I’m going to take advantage of a week’s holiday at the end of February to start vaporizing again, but this time by cutting down permanently with the cigarette. ยป
Today 2 reasons encourage a smoker to give up his traditional cigarette to buy his 1st electronic cigarette. The first is obviously the desire to stop smoking. More than 80% of smokers say they feel addicted to cigarettes and want to stop. The 2nd is curiosity about the e-cigarette, a phenomenon greatly accentuated by the extensive media coverage of the electronic cigarette.
If vaporization and somewhat different, it is no longer smoke but steam, some facts argue in favor of the electronic cigarette:
Lack of gesture is the 2nd cause of relapse when you quit smoking. Thanks to the e-cigarette, there is no break and therefore no lack. The vaporizer retains the usual and familiar gesture of inhalation. The only difference is that it changes from smoke to steam, and the time of vaporization is no longer defined by the product as is the case with the traditional cigarette which has a burning time of 7 minutes on average. The steamer therefore to define itself its own break time.
The range of e-liquids sold consists of e-liquids with and without nicotine, and especially 4 different nicotine grammages (6 mg, 11 mg, 16 mg and 19.6 mg). You can therefore start to vaporize while maintaining the nicotine intake required by your body (see our tool to help you choose e-liquids), then gradually decrease the nicotine dosage to gradually get rid of your nicotine addiction.
Note that it is quite possible to fill the atomizer with 2 different nicotine grammages to control even more easily his addiction. However, we advise you not to mix the flavors of e-liquids for obvious taste reasons to understand.
This control of your gestural habits and nicotine addiction make a smooth transition to the electronic cigarette without lack or frustration. You do not feel this need to compensate by eating more often or this purely psychological decline that any smoker can feel when he decides to quit.
As you can measure with our savings calculation tool, the tobacco budget is often reduced by more than 80% when you switch to the electronic cigarette. These are several hundred or even thousands of euros that you can save each year with the electronic cigarette.
Switching from smoke to steam removes tobacco-related odours. The steam generated by an electronic cigarette is odourless. Only a few subtle aromas can sometimes be perceived, depending on the scent of liquids, but the steam leaves no odour on clothes or in rooms where you may be required to vaporize. The electronic cigarette is therefore an indisputable comfort for you and your entourage.
To date, no study has proven any risk related to passive vaporization. Pending further studies we will remain cautious, although it seems that the electronic cigarette is not dangerous for the entourage of vaporisers, unlike tobacco, whose risks of passive smoking are proven.
The electronic cigarette also called e-cigarette is an alternative to regular cigarettes. It is a healthier device, it does not require the use of tobacco. The latter is replaced by a special liquid commonly called e-liquid. In addition, opting for an electronic cigarette is a solution that can significantly reduce the consumption of substances harmful to health.
Generally speaking, the electronic cigarette is a tool powered by electric current. Thereafter, it produces a heating steam. This steam will be inhaled by the user in the same way that he inhales smoke from a regular cigarette. Some smokers enjoy the hit at the throat, on the other hand others prefer the flavor of the vapors produced by the e-cigarette. However, these electronic cigarettes are not considered medicines or treatments. They are also not smoking cessation aids, such as patches or chewing gum. It is a consumer product created specifically for “steaming”.
The liquid is the main component of an electronic cigarette. It is composed of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). These compounds are used in varying doses. Propylene glycol is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is characterised by its ability to correctly transport flavours. However, in combination with nicotine, PG will accentuate the effects of throat passage or hit. While vegetable glycerin is a common substance in food and medicines. It is slightly sweet and quite thick. Therefore, it is used as a thickener and emulsifier. In the electronic cigarette, VG allows to produce a lot of steam. Thus, apart from PG and VG, the e-cigarette is also composed of flavorings and nicotine.
Since its legal sale and until now, the risks associated with regular and prolonged use of the electronic cigarette is still little known. However, according to experts, the irritating and toxic effects of e-cigarettes are significantly lower than those of tobacco. It should be noted that for smokers, smoking is often the cause of cancer. This is due to the fact that tobacco contains carcinogenic substances such as benzene, arsenic and chromium. Thus, for people who switch to electronic cigarettes, the health risks are reduced. Thus, the PG and VG, the main components of the e-liquid are neither toxic nor carcinogenic. On the other hand, the E-cigarette is still prohibited to pregnant women, people sensitive to nicotine or suffering from cardiovascular disorders.
Electronic cigarettes are nowadays a great success among smokers. One reason for this is that they are intended to be healthier than conventional cigars. To stand out from the cigar, e-cigarettes can also have several tastes, and several components to choose from.
The electronic cigarette, also called e-cigarette was created to provide a solution for smokers who want to stop. Its name may vary from one person to another, but its purpose remains the same, that of helping a smoker to wean himself off, and stop smoking tobacco. It is important to know that people who are addicted to nicotine very rarely manage to get rid of it. According to statistics, only 8% of smokers succeed in quitting after six months. For this reason, electronic cigarettes are the best options to consider to get rid of the permanent craving to smoke for good. However, the vaporizer must also properly dose the composition of e-liquids, before vaporizing.
Many think that electronic cigarettes are dangerous to health, and few people really know their composition. However, on their labels, we can find the components of e-liquids. This is the case of propylene glycol (PG), nicotine, vegetable glycerin (VG), water, alcohol and finally the flavors. It is the propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin that are the main components of electronic cigarettes, but it is the PG or propylene glycol is the most abundant overall. The good knowledge of these ingredients allows you to choose your e-liquid, and to enjoy the maximum pleasure provided by steaming.
The electronic cigarette was created to replace the cigarettes we are used to see. Thus, the feeling it gives when you vaporize it is almost the same, but it may even be better, since it is customizable. This sensation is called “hit”, and differs depending on the composition of each e-liquid. Similarly, this brand new equipment is also known to be less harmful to health. One of the reasons for this is the possibility of controlling the nicotine content of the e-liquid. In the long term, opting for cigarettes allows you to save money. Indeed, there are now professionals specializing in the maintenance and sale of accessories dedicated to this type of cigarette.
The switch to the electronic cigarette has advantages not only for the smoker himself but also for his entourage. Indeed, an e-cigarette does not burn tar or other toxic substances. For this reason, there is no more passive smoking. Bad breath and smelly clothes are also a thing of the past.
Since its invention, the e-cigarette has emerged as a smart alternative to the classic cigarette. The beneficial effects on health are well known. For example, the smoker coughs less and less and his general health and physical condition improves significantly and the risk of cancer and heart attack decreases. The benefits of the electronic cigarette have been scientifically demonstrated. There is no doubt that they are multiple. There are several good reasons to start that the electronic cigarette allows a gradual smoking cessation for those who want to stop smoking. The electronic cigarette gives off steam. Of which, it has an aromatic taste instead of leaving floating in the air a smell of acrid smoke. The smoker who is used to holding a cigarette between his fingers can keep his gesture but without harming his health.
In addition to the health benefits, the benefits of the electronic cigarette are also noticeable in everyday life. An electronic cigarette produces only aromatic vapour and there is no combustion smoke. The smell of nicotine on clothes, in the car or in the house is a thing of the past. Thanks to the e-cigarette, the smoker no longer needs to empty ashtrays or find a place to smash a cigarette butt more or less discreetly. As this specific cigarette does not present any health hazard, the vaporizer no longer needs to go on the bacon to smoke or leave the dining table, etc.. There are only advantages to the electronic cigarette and smokers can fully enjoy tobacco at different levels of nicotine concentration or completely nicotine-free.
Smokers who quit generally recognize the benefits of the electronic cigarette. Switching to the e-cigarette also means saving money because it is rechargeable and can be used up to two hundred times with the same battery. In addition, the price of flavors, even the most expensive, are significantly cheaper than buying a carton of conventional cigarettes. Thus, this specific cigarette is also a better solution for beginner smokers.
Since electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, first appeared on the market, their popularity and use has exploded, especially among teenagers and young adults. Once described as a public health crisis by many health groups, vaporizing with electronic cigarettes is now considered a “safer” way to smoke. The workings of an electronic cigarette are not difficult to explain.
Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that people use to heat the e-liquid. The latter is transformed into a vapor and can then be inhaled. They are also known as e-cigarettes or vapes and are shaped like a cigarette or a pen but do not contain tobacco. When e-cigarettes are used, the nicotine solution turns into a mist that can be inhaled into the lungs.
Each e-cigarette is composed of three main components: the battery, a cartridge containing liquid nicotine and a vaporization chamber. All of these components are available in different types and sizes, and you will often see two (if not all three) combined into one device.
The battery: this is the most critical part of the e-cigarette and responsible for activating the device to charge the atomizer inside the cartridge. Generally, e-cigarettes use lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries but small vaporizers have a built-in battery.
The tank: it is also one of its most important parts. It contains the e-liquid and is also equipped with a coil that will need to be replaced about every week. Tanks are available in all sizes, some containing only 2 ml of ejuice and some containing more than 5 ml of ejuice.
The atomizer: The spray chamber, also known as the atomizer, is responsible for vaporizing the nicotine liquid inside the cartridge. The wick carries the liquid to the coil which, heated by the battery, vaporizes it.
To activate an e-cigarette, the user must first press the activation button. He must then put the device in his mouth and then begin to inhale. This gesture causes a flow of air that signals the sensor built into the battery to activate the vaporization chamber. The vaporization chamber then converts the liquid nicotine in the cartridge into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the user. On exhalation and contact with moisture from the outside air, the vapour condenses and produces a thick visible mist. Once the vaporizer stops inhaling or if the battery charge is low, the indicator light goes out.
The success of the transition to the electronic cigarette is based on four main aspects. First, you must know the instructions for vaporizing as well as how it works. Then, know your own motivations. Then, have a liquid correctly dosed to the pleasant flavor. And finally, you must have an electric cigarette adjusted to your needs. The question then arises: how to get a sensation similar to the traditional cigarette by vaporizing?
The “hit” or “throat hit” is a tingling in the throat experienced when a puff of a classic cigarette is inhaled. This is due to the presence of nicotine. To find this hit, you have to adopt a more sophisticated tool or/and play with the nicotine dose. It is also possible to reasonably study certain instructions for vaporizing. For example, use several methods at the same time, play with the VG and PG dosage, use a cartomizer or a clearomizer, dry smoking, vary the voltage and the amount of nicotine used.
Vaporizers have a higher risk than non-smokers of spreading heart disease, bladder or lung cancer, even though electronic cigarette vapor contains fewer carcinogens than tobacco smoke. Consistent consequences have been observed in human bladder and lung cells emitted to nitrosamine and nicotine. Moreover, the electronic cigarette could build a gateway to smoking for young people. However, additional tests will be essential to certify the carcinogenic capacity of the electronic cigarette.
The way of taking puffs and vaporizing differs from that of a conventional cigarette. Aspirations are quieter and slower. Note that tobacco always wins when you smoke and vaporize at the same time. But when you vaporize, you don’t have to worry about the number of puffs. However, the taste of the electronic cigarette is different from that of a tobacco cigarette.
You should not worry about the initial cough when you take the electronic cigarette. Thus, it is important to wait for the correct absorption of the e-liquid by the cotton during the establishment of a new resistance and know its instructions for vaporizing. For those who want to vaporize all day without having to resort to a load, you must choose a suitable electronic cigarette kit.
Many smokers use the electronic cigarette in order to stop smoking. However, it is well known, the sensation of dry throat during vaporization is quite unpleasant. Sometimes light and transient, it can be tougher at times. It is also a little strange that the water vapor of an electronic cigarette causes a sensation of dry throat. This article explains why you have this sensation when steaming.
This dryness is characterized by the throat irritation reflex. Usually, it is the vapor coming out of the electronic cigarette that causes it. Chronic inflammation in the respiratory tract caused by long-term active smoking can also be the cause. Indeed, smoking causes lesions in the respiratory tract. Also note that conventional cigarettes contain a substance that prevents the smoker from having a dry throat. On the other hand, electronic cigarettes do not. The sensation of a dry throat also comes from the fact that too much nicotine reaches the mouth. You must therefore reduce the level of nicotine in your liquid in order to eliminate the sensation of a dry throat. Find the right balance between nicotine levels and potency.
Since the vapor of e-cigarettes is denser and thicker than the smoke of conventional cigarettes, you have to adapt your way of inhaling the vapor and inhale longer and slower. Due to the heat of combustion, the pull of a conventional cigarette is much tighter than the pull of an e-cigarette. That of the e-cigarette is different because its steam cools as soon as it comes into contact with the air. Therefore, the stronger you pull, the more the mixture of steam and air dries the throat.
Another way to avoid the dry throat sensation is to use e-liquids that contain lower nicotine levels or no nicotine at all. Once you get used to the vaporizer, you can adjust the dosage to suit your needs. You can also choose an electronic cigarette with nicotine salt. The latter is suitable for heavy smokers, especially those who need a higher nicotine level. They allow you to reach the concentration of nicotine in your blood to facilitate detoxification and limit the feeling of cravings throughout the day without drying out your throat. The electronic cigarette with nicotine salt makes it easier to stop smoking.
The electronic cigarette is intended for people who want to escape the addiction of conventional cigarettes. It is suitable for all types of smokers, but you must make the right choice. Thus, to start well in the electronic cigarette, you must choose the model that will put you at ease from the start.
The electronic cigarette was created in 2001 by Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist. His goal was to produce an effective product capable of stopping addiction to conventional cigarettes. The first version of this pharmacist has been improved over time and with the changing demand from smokers. For its composition, the electronic cigarette is composed of a battery, a clearomizer and it vaporizes an electronic liquid containing nicotine. As a beginner, choosing your first electronic cigarette is not done at first glance. On the other hand, if you decide to start smoking this cigarette, you won’t see the difference with the tobacco cigarette. They both feel the same.
There are different kinds of electronic cigarettes suitable for beginners. They are available in different formats such as tube, pod or box. The pod and the tube are more discreet, because they are small in size and fit easily in a bag or even in the pocket. However, they have a low battery life and therefore little performance. On the other hand, the box allows you to vaporize longer, because it has a long autonomy and high power. The latter is less discreet, because it is a little larger. Each kit corresponds to the type of smoker you are. Whether you are an occasional, moderate or experienced smoker. Choosing your first electronic cigarette will then depend on your desires.
Choosing your first electronic cigarette is a little difficult. It is however available in different models and corresponding to any type of profile. If you are a beginner, you must take into account the autonomy and resistance of it. However, as a smoker, you must know the nicotine level that suits your body. You should therefore not rush into a high nicotine level pattern and regret it afterwards. As a beginner, you must dose each component correctly to go step by step and enjoy it, otherwise you will soon get bored and return to bad habits.