From smoke to vaporization, the transition to the electronic cigarette is not so obvious. You must choose your e-cigarette, its atomizers, its e liquids, and especially know how to switch to vaporization? From the reduction of tobacco consumption to all e-cig, what is the best alternative to stop smoking? Today's fashion phenomenon is such that the unique popularity of the product may encourage to buy his 1st e-cigarette. But whether to show his belonging, a conviction or a real willingness to stop smoking, the steamer must ultimately learn to manage its own consumption of this new product, and this, whether the purchase is made in stores or on good websites that really advise their customers. Should you first reduce your tobacco consumption and compensate with your e-cigarette? Or on the contrary, should you stop smoking completely and quickly to only vaporize? We conducted a small survey of vaporizers to find out the most effective practices. It emerges that the faster the transition to the all electronic cigarette is fast, around 5 - 7 days the time to finish his good old packs of cigarettes "traditional" and especially to prepare psychologically for a total cessation of smoking, and the lower the risk of relapse. The transition to the electronic cigarette must therefore be accompanied by psychological work, even light, to get in condition to stop smoking. If the qualities of electronic cigarettes are systematically highlighted, including the ability to manage his addiction to nicotine and the return of steam produced, habits are the main causes of failure to stop smoking. This is what Muriel confirmed to us during our survey: "I was delighted when I received my eRoll electronic cigarette from Joyetech just before Christmas. This e-cigarette is really very aesthetic and feminine. Discreet and fine I took it out all the more easily as it did not leave friends and colleagues indifferent .... I very quickly reduced my consumption to a few cigarettes from time to time. But the habits are tenacious and as I continued to smoke in parallel, I gradually picked up my rhythm to only occasionally take out my eRoll. It's a pity, especially as I immediately found the liquids that suit me, Altlanta, FR4 and Red Fruits in 16, then 11 mg of nicotine. I'm going to take advantage of a week's holiday at the end of February to start vaporizing again, but this time by cutting down permanently with the cigarette. ยป